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By supporting our cause this year in 2022, you will help support the mission of The Montreal Children’s Hospital Division of Pediatric Surgery :
- To provide state-of-the-art, evidence-based surgical care to children in a friendly, compassionate, and family-centered care environment
- To train the pediatric surgeons of tomorrow
- To conduct cutting-edge clinical and laboratory research
In tribute to Luca Cuscuna.
Luca Cuscuna was born on February 17, 2015. He brought so much joy and happiness to our family and everyone around him. As a baby he had a calm temperament, as he grew into a little boy he was inquisitive and adventurous. He was the sweetest boy with such a beautiful kind heart and had so much to live for. Sadly, at the age of 2 years old his life was tragically taken from us. On that day our lives changed forever. His physical presence is deeply missed, those little fingers, his angelic smile, humble voice and contagious laugh.
Luca is not gone, he lives within us and through this fund we will keep his memory alive.
Together with the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation, we can make a difference and we can help change many lives. In honour of a little boy who touched many hearts.
Your will to give is the power to heal and your donation is needed.
Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference.
Help us change the lives of these innocent and vulnerable children.
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Progrès personnels :
de l'objectif
53 472,00 $
0,00 $
Liste d'honneur de levée de fonds
42 200,00 $
Mr. Fabio Chimienti
1 680,00 $
Cristina Cuscuuna INC
Drain 3D Inc. Cuscuna
1 000,00 $
Meridian OneCap Credit Corp.
1 000,00 $
Mr. Angelo Di Fino
1 000,00 $
Drain 3D Inc.
752,00 $
Plomberie Joseph Inc.
752,00 $
Mr. Joe Magri
502,00 $
502,00 $
Fleurs Martello
Mr. Baldo Mirasola Pina corneli
252,00 $
252,00 $
Joey Bruzzese
Lolo Foods
Mrs. Elisa Cuscuna
150,00 $
Ms. Rosa Menale
150,00 $
Fabrizio De Ciccio
102,00 $
Tasia Botsis
102,00 $
102,00 $
Marina Tachtchian
102,00 $
Mrs. Pamela Di Re
102,00 $
Mandev Realty Group
100,00 $
100,00 $
52,00 $
52,00 $
Mr. Leonardo Riggi
50,00 $
Jonathan Pleteau
30,00 $
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